Term 1
This term we have based our writing on the book ‘Planet Omar’. We have written diary entries from Omar’s perspective and have also written mystery stories; using ideas from the book. In Geography, we have been looking at the area we live in. We have found out about geographical features around us. We have been lucky enough to explore Dundry Hill in Bristol. We looked at human and physical features and sketched the landscape. In Science, our topic has been all about the life cycle of plants. We have explored plants to investigate and observe water transportation. In Spanish, we have learned how to count to 10. In art, we have carried out outstanding art work, the children have experimented with different materials and tools to explore warm and cool colours, and techniques, to create art.
Term 2
This term, we visited Cheddar Gorge to inspire our learning. In our literacy learning, we have explored the Stone Age and created our own fact files and stories. In History, we have been looking at what life was like in Prehistoric Britain. Our science topic has been ‘Classifying rocks’. We have performed an experiment exploring the texture and absorbency of soils.
In Spanish, we learned continued to learn how to introduce ourselves, ask how someone is feeling and count from 0-10 in Spanish. In RE, we have learned how Christians celebrate Christmas.
Term 3 Overview